endorphin|endorphins in English


peptide that resembles an opiate that is naturally found in the body and raises the body's pain threshold

Use "endorphin|endorphins" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "endorphin|endorphins" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "endorphin|endorphins", or refer to the context using the word "endorphin|endorphins" in the English Dictionary.

1. The endorphins linger , delightfully , for hours afterwards.

2. This provided the project team with an indirect method of gauging endorphin activity in the brain.

3. Bihari: Well, Phenylalanine is helpful if you’re raising your endorphins by other means.

4. Some believe the needles may activate the production of endorphins that temporarily wipe out the pain.

5. It is a major factor destroying Appestat control of appetite control with blood sugar, and endorphin related hypothalamic pituitary axis

6. Capsaicin triggers that sensation of heat and pain, thus causing the release of those endorphins

7. Moderate aerobic-type exercise increases the production of endorphins, improves sleep, and oxygenates the system and muscles.

8. Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine & Endorphin Release - Binaural Beats Happiness Frequency #GV929 by Good Vibes - Binaural Beats.Take our Holistic Wellbeing sur

9. Other stronger pain medicines and anesthetics work by reducing the activity in pain-sensing circuits or boosting our coping system, or endorphins.

10. In contrast, the immunoreactions to anti-hGH, anti-hPRL, anti-ACTH, anti-MSH, anti-LPH and anti-endorphin sera were completely negative.

11. Physical exercise triggers the release of endorphins —chemicals in the brain that can relieve pain and heighten your sense of well-being.

12. More than that, exercise promotes a sense of well-being, likely because of the endorphins that are released during strenuous activity.

13. Most back to back labours have a far gentler build up allowing plenty of your natural pain killers, endorphins to be produced

14. But modulation networks are also activated that deliver endorphins and enkephalins, chemicals released when you're in pain or during extreme exercise, creating the runner's high.

15. But some studies have also found that emotional tears contain higher levels of stress hormones, such as ACTH and enkephalin, an endorphin and natural pain killer.

16. Cryotherapy involves exposing the body to sub-zero temperatures, which promotes the body's natural anti-inflammatory response, releases endorphins, reduces pain, and promotes overall health

17. The term "endorphins" implies a pharmacological activity (analogous to the activity of the corticosteroid category of biochemicals) as opposed to a specific chemical formulation.

18. Auricular therapy can also be used to treat chronic pain caused by sore nerve endings, as it stimulates the release of the endorphins that lessen the pain

19. Smiling can help reduce the level of stress-enhancing hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and dopamine, increase the level of mood-enhancing hormones like endorphins, and reduce overall blood pressure.

20. Endorphins may also explain the mystery of why pain is minimized or even eliminated by acupuncture, a medical procedure in which hair- thin needles are inserted into the body.

21. Cryotherapy is a localized or whole-body exposure to subzero temperatures used to promote the bodies’ natural anti-inflammatory response, release endorphins, reduce pain and spasms, boost cellular survival, and promote overall health.

22. Due to this the product promotes stimulation and release of several physiologically active compounds (enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins, substances of peptide nature, affecting the regulation of Algesias and vascular permeability, as well as histamine and kinins)

23. Chewing is a potent stress reliever and releases pleasurable endorphins into the body, while destructive Chewing on doors or window frames can be a sign that a dog is trying to get out of the home

24. DDS Bioelectric Therapy is easy to learn- The DDS Bioelectric Massage Therapy Device is the center point of DDS Therapy. It is used to treat chronic pain and acute pain conditions and prompts the body to produce endorphins which help to relieve pain.

25. Not only does exercise in almost any form release endorphins that are guaranteed to make you feel good, the act of excursion, the willful removal from our Beholdance to technology and screens of all shapes and sizes, will act as a kind of pressure relief valve